10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 1

OK…it’s time for everyone to get off of the couch and get moving.

I have gotten at least a half dozen emails in the last week with a common theme: people that know they need to exercise to lose weight but aren’t sure where to start or are having trouble getting started. Have no shame if this describes you! Lots of people don’t know where to start, and even more people have trouble taking the first steps.

If this describes you, you’re going to want to check us out for the next 10 days.

Every day for the next week and a half, I’m going to post a simple step you can take to get yourself up, moving, and started down the road to fit and thin. None of these steps will be hard or intense. If they were too hard or too intense, we would be defeating our whole purpose.

Even though they won’t be intense, you should still get clearance from a medical professional to begin exercising. This is especially true if you are older, considerably overweight, or haven’t exercised in a long time. With that in mind, let’s get started:

DAY 1 — Grab a piece of paper, a 3 x 5 card and a pen, and put on your thinking cap. Your first assignment has a couple of steps; first, write down all the reasons why you’d like to start exercising. Once you’ve got your list, write a sentence for each reason you’ve listed that states a positive affirmation for it. For example, let’s say that one of the reasons you want to start exercising is to have more energy. You could write a sentence like: “I enjoy exercising because it gives me more energy!”. The key is to turn the reason for exercising in to a real-life benefit for actually doing it, and by writing the benefit statement AS IF you are already doing it. Once you’ve done this with your entire list, grab a 3 x 5 card and write each sentence on the card.

Now take that card, and for the next 30 days, do not let it leave your possession. Grab it as soon as you wake up every morning and read it out loud. Read it right before you go to sleep. Read it out loud AT LEAST 3 times every day, and read it quietly to your self at least 3 times each day.

The more you do this, the quicker it begins to work!

And don’t be fooled, this simple method will completely change your attitude towards exercising if you just do it. HINT: this will work for any habit you wish to introduce into your life, not just exercising.

OK, go start making your list right now; don’t put it off until later. And keep the paper and pen handy, because you’re going to need them again tomorrow.

17 Responses to “10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 1”

  1. Sayre Says:

    I will try that. I know I need to exercise, and I do almost everyday, but it is a huge effort. Perhaps my mind can help my body realize that this is supposed to be fun!

  2. Kery Says:

    A very good idea. Indeed, thinking about it in a positive way, rather than moaning about all the “but I’m tired, don’t have the time, will never be good at it” and others, DOES help a lot.

    Of course,my own exercise is going to be shaky this week because I have craploads of things to pack due to moving out in two days, but I suppose that carrying a sofa from one apartment to the other will be a sort of exercise too. 😉

  3. loseweightwithme Says:

    Good for you, Sayre — it IS supposed to be fun!


  4. Lady Rose Says:

    very cool idea! **goes off to find a pen and cards* Lady Rose

  5. Brad Says:

    Yes fully agree with your thoughts that it is really difficult for many of us to take the first step. We can have many solid reasons like you have mentioned. Exercising is the best way to remain fit and if your fitness level is not up to the mark, follow some exercise programs which you can easily follow in the long run.

  6. practiceliving Says:

    Great idea! I’ll be following this countdown. 🙂

  7. loseweightwithme Says:

    Hey, LADY ROSE — Be sure to let us know how it works for ya!

    PRACTICE LIVING — Thanks for stopping by. And don’t just follow it…do it!



  8. 10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 2 « Lose Weight With Me Says:

    […] Lose Weight With Me So Far, I’ve Lost 60 Pounds. Watch As I Continue to Lose Weight…Or Better Yet, Join Me! « 10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 1 […]

  9. fitness loss weight Says:

    10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 1

    Great post. Thanks!

  10. exercise loss weight Says:

    10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 1

    Great post. Thanks!

  11. kaz Says:

    Can I join in too please?

  12. 10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 5 « Lose Weight With Me Says:

    […] I’m assuming that you have done the previous assignments from the first 4 days of the Countdown. If not, PLEASE go back and do them. They’re essential parts of this whole process. If you are serious about using the 10 days to jump start exercising for weight loss, you will not get the long term results you want and deserve without doing the previous assignments. If you skipped over them, or if this is the first post you’re reading in this 10 day series, you can find Day 1 here. […]

  13. 10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 7 « Lose Weight With Me Says:

    […] I’m assuming that you have done the previous assignments from the first 6days of the Countdown. If not, PLEASE go back and do them. They’re essential parts of this whole process. If you are serious about using the 10 days to jump start exercising for weight loss, you will not get the long term results you want and deserve without doing the previous assignments. If you skipped over them, or if this is the first post you’re reading in this 10 day series, you can find Day 1 here. […]

  14. 10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 8 « Lose Weight With Me Says:

    […] I’m assuming that you have done the previous assignments from the first 7 days of the Countdown. If not, PLEASE go back and do them. They’re essential parts of this whole process. If you are serious about using the 10 days to jump start exercising for weight loss, you will not get the long term results you want and deserve without doing the previous assignments. If you skipped over them, or if this is the first post you’re reading in this 10 day series, you can find Day 1 here. […]

  15. 10 Day Countdown to Fitness: Day 9 « Lose Weight With Me Says:

    […] I’m assuming that you have done the previous assignments from the first 8 days of the Countdown. If not, PLEASE go back and do them. They’re essential parts of this whole process. If you are serious about using the 10 days to jump start exercising for weight loss, you will not get the long term results you want and deserve without doing the previous assignments. If you skipped over them, or if this is the first post you’re reading in this 10 day series, you can find Day 1 here. […]

  16. The Health Shack Health Blog Says:

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    The question whether one should go on a strict diet in order to loose abdominal fat, can best be answered by first trying to understand what exactly is meant by the term ‘diet’.

  17. Mark Says:

    Hmmm must give that a try need to lose a few more pounds myself starting to put weight back on that won’t do at all.

    Thanks for sharing the great tip.

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